Your request has been received!

Thank you for reaching out to Entech Staffing Solutions to help fill your staffing needs. We will be sure to get into contact with you in the next 24 hours, talk to you soon!

Learn More About Entech’s Services

We specialize in helping fill your businesses unique needs.

We Work Hard at Making Staffing Easy for You

Our 5 step process ensure's we meet your businesses needs and goals. This is what you can expect when working with Entech Staffing Solutions.

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  • icon for error reduction

    Step 1.

    Reach out and request staff.
  • client discovery icon

    Step 2.

    Set up a discovery meeting so we understand your environment, culture, and the job.
  • candidate search icon

    Step 3.

    The candidate search begins with our existing proprietary database (Zenople), relevant job boards, and other outside resources.
  • employee satisfaction icon

    Step 4.

    Once the qualified candidates are selected, prescreened, and evaluated, we set up interviews (as necessary) to allow you to select from the top talent.
  • reaching out to prospects icon

    Step 5.

    We seal the deal with onboarding and your selected candidate is ready to go!